Saturday 2 May 2009

Here we go...

I've been pretty sceptical about this blogging thing. Who'd want to bear their soul to the world? to a selected group of friends even? Perhaps most scary of all - to themselves?

Friends blog. They've encouraged me to log on, read, follow, comment. To what end? Well some of them are working overseas and there's no doubt their blogs are an interesting insight into the new culture and experience they are immersed in. And of course sending the link is a lot quicker than emailing us all separately...

Celebrities blog - apparently. Can't say I have ever felt moved to see what Paris Hilton - assuming she has a blog (which feels slightly unlikely but hey - who knows...) - is up to today. But hey - perhaps I will now.

I've seen workshops on blogging - I may even have led one! The participants in the amazing youth volunteering programme that I manage are encouraged to communicate in this way and we unashamedly use their words in our marketing...

But only one or two blogs have really grabbed my attention. Have made me seek them out (I should probably subscribe to them or something but I am shy of the authors knowing I am interested - it feels slightly stalkerish...). What makes these oh so interesting? What have I read this morning that has inspired me to log on to blogspot, set up this page and join the army of those who send their words out into cyberspace for others to read, comment upon, argue with, reject or perhaps - who knows - find some solace in?

I'll blog about that later...

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