Wednesday 18 March 2020

Day Two

Such is my determination to blog my way through this surreal situation that in spite of it being the end of a long day which had its fair share of challenges I felt compelled to pick up the laptop again.
To be honest tonight did not present the same challenges as yesterday evening. I had managed to save the log in page and passwords which meant no crazy searching for the correct URL, logging in unsuccessfully with probably three of my known email addresses and somehow navigating my way to the correct blog of the many listed on my account. Definitely time to sort out life online!

To be honest now is probably a good time to sort out life not just online but off it as well. Such surreal times indeed. This evening the Prime Minister announced the closure of all schools in England. We have been advised to stay away from pubs, bars and restaurants. As a tearoom/coffee shop we've struggled a little with where we fit into this and today sent out an email to all our customers with our updated position.

We are remaining open for takeaway coffee, sandwiches and cakes - as long as we are able to. We have heard that in some countries complete lockdown has been introduced, and to be honest expect that within the next week or two. This virus is so scary, some have likened the situation to us being at war but against an invisible enemy.

That's where we are at with the practical aspects of social distancing and attempting to flatten the curve. Emotionally however the issues are harder to deal with. Everyone is anxious - who wouldn't be at such times. This anxiety however is demonstrated in different ways according to a person's personality, experience and resilience. Some have become withdrawn and almost paralysed into inactivity. Others have adopted a more blase approach, in denial perhaps and reluctant to express their deep rooted fears. Obviously when people who cope in different ways come together there may be some difficulties in seeing the others point of view. But when these people are quarantined, self isolated or simply socially distancing from others fireworks can fly!

What is needed is a quite enormous helping of kindness - the hashtag #bekind was trending just a week or so ago. Along with a huge dollop of understanding, an ability to listen and the patience to allow someone to express their feelings and fears without immediately stepping in to argue.

It's 10.15pm. Not a particularly late night but this situation seems to be making everyone very weary indeed. The massive amount of adrenaline, the fear and anxiety, seem to take it out of us in a way I personally have never known. The anxiety remains but unlike in the early days when it prevented us from getting us to sleep (I must stop generalising and use ME and not US!). Anyway - in those early days the anxious thoughts would circulate constantly in my brain, looping around and stopping me from sleeping. Now however it's rather easier to drop off to sleep, it's waking in the small hours and struggling to drop off again that's the challenge.

So we are off to bed. Hopefully to sleep and hopefully sweeter dreams tonight!

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