Tuesday 17 March 2020

Four Years? No Way!

Where on earth to begin?

In times of crisis I have so often turned to writing, but it surely cannot be four years since this blog was last opened by me, intending to add a new post?

I know for a fact that in the meantime it has been read, but to be honest it feels like a stranger to me after all these years. Even the act of writing a blog post feels a little alien, and that is in spite of endless updates over on the "blog" I write at The Kitchen Croxley

So why begin again?

Mainly because with all that has been happening in the news recently I have felt driven once again to journal, and doing it on a blog has for the last ten years or so felt like a better way to do so than writing in a notebook. That may yet change as I have been gifted a couple of quite structured journals recently. The type with space to express gratitude and goals, dreams and expectations, to reflect and plan in a thoughtful way.

Whilst writing a blog I have come to find the knowledge that someone else may be reading it to be a real help. The scribbled notebooks of times past often left me worried that someone would stumble upon the unstructured thoughts poured onto the page without the filter (and edit) that comes from knowing that someone is looking over your shoulder.

For a few days now the world seems to have shifted in a way we could never have imagined. This invisible insidious virus that we first heard of as something on the other side of the world has found its way across the world to our country, our towns, villages and homes. As someone who admits to following the news pretty closely, and keeping updated on international as well as home affairs, I have been anxious for a while now. But nothing prepared me for the sudden devastating impact that this disease would have upon us all.

The sheer volume of sickness and deaths in countries such as Italy, the ever rising numbers and graphs, the sense that worse is to come, all can lead to an overwhelming fear and anxiety.

For some it has been an end to live football that has brought home the reality. For others the closure of the West End theatres. Today I was deeply moved by the announcements that church services are ceasing - though the work of the church continues unabated as it moves further than ever into the communities it serves.

For many it is the economic effect, the almost inevitable recession to follow, that they most fear. Perhaps the loss of their lifetimes work and wealth. There is no one on the planet unaffected by this hideous virus.

This post is quite long enough and it is time to sleep - perhaps. It will be continued tomorrow. To anyone reading this far I pray God's blessings on you and a peaceful night x

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