Tuesday 1 May 2012

One month on

It's exactly one month today since I lost my job. Those of you who need to know will already understand what happened. The rest of  you probably only need to know that my contract ended at the same time as a big restructure and somehow I found myself "let go" (to use the technical term...)

Life since that time has been a roller coaster. Not a day has gone past when I haven't thought of blogging, when I haven't thought that writing it all down might really help. I've hesitated for the reasons given on the last post - in spite of all that has happened I believe passionately in the organisation I used to work for, they do a fantastic job and I will always support them. For these reasons and more I am nervous about baring more than my friends need to see, that might damage our friendship or their view of me.

Moving swiftly to today I can see how far I've come. There's not a lot I don't know about cupcakes and even looking back at photos from the beginning of this year I am impressed with those I made earlier today (see image).

I had thought of doing some kind of college course, of upskilling ready for the next step up the career ladder. I checked out courses in cake decoration and decided that being the sort of person I am I could spend the £300 or so it would cost me on equipment instead and teach myself by watching videos on YouTube while messing about in my kitchen - proving very successful so far!

Making cupcakes yourself from home is unlikely ever to make you a huge fortune. However I'm sure it's possible to expand and make some money if you have an astute business brain. Maybe that is something for my wish list.

Linda xxx


  1. Linda these cup cakes look fantastic! I love to bake these myself and have an excellent frosting recipie if you want it. Jess xx

  2. Thanks Jess! I'd love to have your frosting recipe - have been reading up on these recently. Perhaps you could email it to writebakecreate@hotmail.co.uk ? thank you! xx
